Saxon architectural heritage.
Copsa Mare community since 2008 has recovered more than 16 houses, traditional, roofs and Transylvanian barns. The new tiles factory in Apos built with the contribution Asociatia Monumentum, has made old tiles available with quality and prices substantially more competitive than the new modern tiles.
The local “Dulger” Stefi Schneider, with his knowledge on traditional roof building has help recovering the roofs.
Local investor and house owners have been very attentive and the town has been able to preserve its traditional approach while modernizing the inside of their buildings
Additionally and as a result of this effort of preservation generated by local private individuals, the association Kulturerbe Kirchenburgen e.V. has restored the roof of the Kirchenburg Groskopisch , Patrimoniul Bisericilor Fortificate, Biserica Fortificata din Copsa Mare.
Here below the picture of the new house in the process of being restored